As a professional trainer and coach I know my subjects well. That’s my problem! It’s too easy to stand up and lecture. The trick is to involve participants in meaningful ways. “101 Ways to Make Training Active” is just the ticket.

Silberman begins with 20 “top 10” lists of training tips. For example, “Ten assignments to give learning partners” and “Ten suggestions for activating a lecture” and “Ten options for role playing”, etc. Each of the 200 tips are written in brief bullet-point style that stimulates creativity. Every list gave me ideas of how to improve my training – and that’s the point!
The bulk of the book, 244 additional pages, are 101 ways to make training active. The activities are grouped together into 15 sections according the flow of a training program: How to Get Active Participation from the Start, How to Teach Information, Skills, and Attitudes Actively, and How to Make Training Unforgettable.
I love these ideas! These are some of my favorite.