Millennials Want Mentoring, But This Kind

Millennials have a high value toward growth and learning. They are hungry for mentoring. But there’s often a mismatch between the assistance older leaders try to provide and what Millennials want. Here’s the kind of mentoring that will benefit Millennials.

Millennials, those born between 1981 – 1996, now make up one half of the work force. Learning and development are essential job benefits for Millennials. If you don’t offer relevant learning and growth opportunities, you won’t attract Millennials to your organization or keep them.

It’s Not Luck, Life Just Doesn’t Happen To You

How much of life happens to you versus you make it happen? Your answer will reveal a glimpse at your future. Your success in the things that matter to you depends on your answer to this question. Here’s what you can do to improve.

Does life happen to you, or do you make it happen? This question separates high achievers from the crowd – in every field. It’s a question of personal autonomy, choice, and personal responsibility.

What John Grisham Did To Achieve His Big Goal

Back in the 1980s John Grisham was a busy, young lawyer – who wanted to write a book. He had the vision to write, but little free time. Does this sound familiar? Here’s his story and how you can achieve your big goal.

Grisham couldn’t stop working. He had a young family and a busy practice. What he could do was become intentional. He decided to go to his office early and write just one page a day. And he kept going. Week after week, he continued writing a page a day, until 3 years later his first novel, A Time To Kill, was completed.

The Best Leadership and Coaching Articles of 2018

It’s been a fantastic year of learning, growing, and changing. The number of visitors and article views at were up 13% and 14% respectively, even though I wrote fewer articles in 2018. Here’s the 10 most viewed articles.

This year, I’ve had more emails and comments on social media from individuals sharing the impact that an idea from an article had on them.

How To Not End Up In Another Dissatisfying Job

If you’re unhappy with your current job, you’re not alone. More than eighty percent of people are looking for a new job or open to one. Gallup reports that only fifteen percent of workers worldwide are engaged in their jobs. These figures are staggering. Leaders who leave one dissatisfying job often find themselves in another unless they first do these 4 things.

Mariana worked for an international nonprofit, first as a field staff member, then as a manager. She contacted me

Fascinating Results of Study on Managers and Coaching

Coaching has an identity problem in organizational settings. Everyone knows about coaching and may even use the term to describe how they work with people, but few are actually coaching. A new study demonstrates that managers believe they are coaching when they are actually just telling people what to do. Worse, because peers reward their micromanager-as-coach approach, the wrong behaviors are reinforced. The good news is there’s a fairly easy solution to help managers begin to coach and see powerful results. 

While teaching coaching skills for more than a decade I’ve witnessed firsthand the massive shifts in how leaders communicate after receiving a little training. Yet, I was still surprised by

How To Ensure Learning From Your Example

Modeling preferred behavior is a powerful way of influencing the people around you. But your example isn’t enough. People usually don’t know why or how you’re doing what you’re doing unless you tell them. Here’s how to ensure learning from your example. 

Our workshop participants tell us that they learn a lot about interactive training by watching the way we lead our workshops. They see us model brevity of teaching, use many different interactive exercises, and facilitate skill practice during the workshop.

We model it. They see it. But in the end, they can’t replicate our training style. Why?