The COACH Model® follows a pattern that has proven to produce successful, holistic, and empowering conversations. Every leader needs to help people get things done. By following this simple model you can achieve greater results.
The COACH Model® harnesses the power of adult learning and creates a flexible conversation guide that allows the person you are speaking with to reach significant milestones that produce insight, learning, and responsible forward movement.
Many people find this model gives them the confidence to coach anyone through whatever it is that they need to work on.
It’s important to remember that coaching isn’t about providing answers, it’s about asking thought-provoking questions.
Coaching isn’t about providing answers, it’s about asking thought-provoking questions. Share on XThe 5 Steps of The COACH Model®
The COACH Model® is powered by questions. In my book, The COACH Model for Christian Leaders, each step of The COACH Model® is paired with question-asking techniques designed to equip you to ask powerful and helpful questions.
The five steps of the model spell out the word “coach.”
- C is for Connect: Connect has two parts. First, connecting with the person you are talking with to build rapport and trust; and second, following-up on action steps from your previous coaching conversation.
- O is for Outcome: Outcome is the intended result the coachee would like to achieve during the conversation. Knowing the outcome at the beginning helps focus the conversation on that which is important to the coachee.
- A is for Awareness: Awareness is a reflective dialogue intended to produce discoveries, insights, and increased perspective for the coachee. The more perspective the coachee has, the more holistically, and therefore creatively he or she will view his or her situation. The coachee will see a greater number of options and, in the end, will make better decisions.
- C is for Course: Course puts feet to insights and discoveries by helping the coachee create action steps. Helping people move into action is an essential part of the coaching experience.
- H is for Highlights: Highlights focus on reviewing the parts of the conversation that the coachee found most meaningful. As the coachee reviews the conversation, they reinforce insights, and important points thus strengthening their learning. Highlights also reveal to the coach how the coachee benefited from the conversation.
The challenge in applying The COACH Model® is in using appropriate listening, questioning, and processing skills.
Most people are not equipped in coaching skills. We’ve been trained to lead by micromanaging: telling people what to do.
Most people are not equipped in coaching skills. We've been trained to lead by micromanaging: telling people what to do. Share on XIt is important to give direction and advice where appropriate. But coaching skills are overlooked and underutilized tools that hold us back from achieving greater results.
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